Something I am passionate about is “The Generosity Factor.” Many books have been written on the subject of leaving a legacy, impacting others… as there is tremendous pleasure in giving. Many people give because of guilt and miss the entire blessing or benefit from giving. There are only four things you can give: Time, Talent, Treasure and Touch. The beauty of it is there are so many ways to give them. The tragedy is that so few people discover ways to give even one – let alone four.
Why does giving sow the seed of significance? Because wealth and popularity are fleeting. Fulfillment in life happens when you impact someone else’s life. You can greatly impact your feelings of self-worth when you are serving a homeless person at a local soup kitchen. Imagine the great feeling inside when you give a Christmas gift to a child that will not get one, since Dad is in prison and Mom cannot afford gifts. I could keep giving examples, but if you truly want to be significant, find someone less fortunate and give your Time, Talent, Treasures and Touch!
This also becomes the foundation for great customer service.