The Seven Habits is fascinating, comprehensive, and thoroughly uplifting book. Today's complex and interdependent world is plagued by a myriad of common human challenges. These include fear, insecurity, blame, hopelessness, selfishness, conflict, personal stagnation, and a lack of life balance. Permeating all aspects of life, these challenges have a profound impact on personal and professional effectiveness.
In his renowned book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Dr. Stephen Covey proposes a principle-centered approach for addressing such challenges. The Seven Habits are not a “quick fix,” but a long-term commitment to universal principles with the potential to maximize personal and professional success and happiness.
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This morning I attended the Lancaster Bible College Leadership Business Conference. Many good speakers offered some good content on Servant Leadership. One of the break-out sessions was taught by Dr. Richard Swenson on the topic of The Overload Syndrome. I thought he had excellent material and so I wanted to share.
He started by stating we have a new epidemic in America. We are working more and sleeping less (in fact we sleep 3 hours less than 100 years ago). This is all in the name of progress (more and more; faster and faster).
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This morning I attended The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce & Industry’s Excellence Exchange. These breakfast meetings are an excellent venue to share ideas, best practices, and hear from a community business leader.
This morning the speaker was Luke Kempski, President of JPL. JPL has won many awards (Fastest 50 Growing, Best Places to Work…) and was/is a very successful organization, when 2 years ago it set out on a course of change. Luke set forth the course of action they took in order to continue to be a great organization. I thought his comments were insightful and I decided to share.
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