I was on the Charlie "Tremendous" Jones’ website today and stumbled upon this great nugget of wisdom.
Leadership is not personality, title or endowment. Leadership is a price and the price begins with ALONENESS.
No one ever led in a crowd. In every area of life the world is starving for individuals who will go ahead, set the pace, or pave the way.
Make it: Don’t wait until you can make the right decision. Make a decision and then make it right, you have your whole life to do it in.
Make it yours: Never talk your decision over with anyone who hasn’t paid the price you want to pay or done what you want to do. Get good counsel but when the final decision is made, make it yours. You are never a failure until you blame someone else.
Stick by it: Stick by your decisions, never quit. There may be many times you want to quit but the man who will never QUIT has the edge in life because he knows he doesn’t HAVE to quit just because he WANTS to quit.
Who will you live your life with? A marriage is not successful because of compatibility. Integrity is the key. Integrity to make a decision, make it yours, and die by it. Many couples could have grown old together IF they would have had the staying power to grow up together.
What will you live your life in? A job is as sacred as a marriage. The man who doesn’t love, honor, and cherish his work will never receive the rewards that come to the man who gives his life to his vocation in the same manner as he keeps his marriage vows.
What will you live it for? Purpose & Motive. Purpose produces passion. If the motive isn’t right, the results will be wrong.
This may be the age of relaxation for the playboy but for the leader who will always take up the slack or carry the burdens of those who never do their share, he knows the price of Weariness. Never answer the man who asks, “Is it worth it?” because he wouldn’t understand the right answer if you gave it to him. We grow through failure, we tolerate the critics, and no one knows like the leader the wearisome process of transforming a thin skin and hard heart into a thick skin and soft heart.
There isn’t enough time to do all I want to do and like to do versus all I need to do and ought to do. People who only do what they like to do, eventually discover what they thought they like to do, THEY DON’T LIKE TO DO. People who are learning to do what they don’t like to do, but ought to do, eventually discover that what they thought they didn’t like to do, THEY LIKE TO DO.
Vision belongs to all who are willing to commit their lives to their goals. After commitment, the decisions are simple because vision is that quality that enables and empowers us to pay the price of Aloneness, Weariness, and Abandonment.