I am not a big fan of making annual New Year's Resolutions as I feel you should always have goals you are working towards. However, if the turning of the calendar is the motivation you need... I say go for it. One resolution that many people make is to lose weight or get in better shape. Anyone who has been reading this blog regularly knows that I have been working hard to improve my health during the past 3 years (it did actually start on January 1, 2006).
This summer I felt like I had hit a plateau and after discussing my frustration with a good friend, he encouraged me to hire a nutritionist. So in October, I started working with Brenda Hoover of Core Changes, LLC. The first thing we did was take some measurements which included my weight, visceral fat, body fat percentage. . . (this is a pretty humbling moment). I was at 16% body fat which for a 41 year old man was not bad, but not where I wanted to be. Brenda had me journal all my food intake and start a 12 week educational program. She taught me how to improve my conditioning program and how to eat a Low Glycemic Index diet. The Glycemic Index measures the speed at which carbohydrates break down in your digestive system and turn into glucose, the body’s main source of energy or fuel. The idea is to reduce simple carbohydrates (white sugar, white flour…) from your diet.
I decided that very first day that I was going to be very coachable and do everything she instructed. Well after 10 weeks I am down to 13% body fat. I have continued to work out each day and basically removed any food that was high on the Glycemic Index system. I have significantly improved all my metrics and feel so much better.
I think the moral of this story is that it is wise to seek the advice of professionals and then have a teachable spirit. Too often we think we know everything and do not want to take advice from others. Brenda and the team at Core Changes have made a huge difference in my life as it relates to my health and fitness!