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April 08, 2009


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I would have really liked to see a credit for "career advancement" - as you may or may not be aware, CPA Review has not been tax deductible nor will it be under the stimulus. Now this is, of course, a personal issue to me and while it is easy to debate whether or not test prep should qualify for a deduction, I believe this administration should be doing less QE and more tax breaks (but maybe that's just my political affiliation talking!).

So that was the big one we were hoping for and didn't see.

Not just on a professional level either - we just got word from the AICPA that they have seen a drop in 4 year college accounting students over the last year, meaning more accounting students are looking at community colleges at least for the first 2 years in the interest of saving money. Not to knock community colleges of course (my favorite econ teacher still teaches at one) but what is going to happen to the accounting industry 5 - 10 years from now?

I worry that students will have to choose between rent and college and the impact that will have on not just our industry but professional industries across the country.

Wish there had been more provisions in the stimulus for *that* and less for a $88 million new HHS HQ.

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