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June 21, 2009


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I would like the record to reflect that just because I haven't voiced concern over this particular program, I am outraged. At some point, the recklessness becomes so overwhelming that one can't help but bite her tongue and pick her battles, know what I mean?

You are 100% right, Scott (as usual) in that this will create another bubble. And? That's what they want. To the powers that be, a bubble means prosperity. There is no interest on the part of this administration or any other that has existed in recent years to exercise fiscal responsibility - why? Let the next sucker who takes over deal with it.

They do not realize, of course, that we have reached the end of our rope. So try as they might to desperately reinflate the bubbles that exploded in all of our faces starting in 2007, programs like this can only lead to disaster.

But we aren't thinking about the long-term implications, are we? It's all about the temporary fix and keeping up appearances.


Grab a beer, kick up your feet, and hope you've got enough hard assets in your portfolio I guess :P


Let's not forget that the bigger picture is that you get older, less fuel efficient cars off of the road and replace them with newer more fuel-efficient cars. The reduction in fossil fuel consumption is a side benefit. The kick-start of a trend toward more fuel-efficient, even hybrid technology vehicles is worth a push... though, not being an accountant I couldn't tell you if the TCO balances out.


Buyer beware: You should do your homework prior to making a car purchase under the 'cash for clunkers' program. Various news outlets have highlighted some scams, both online and at the dealership that you should look out for.

See: http://tinyurl.com/nlv3ed


Car dealers are increasing prices for good MPG cars because of the increased demand (artificial) from the cash for clunkers program. Not being critical, but it is basic supply/demand economics.

With the price increases, some markets will will give consumers no net benefit. It is poorly written legislation. Especially since the turned in cars have a trade-in value of equal the scrap metal — because all cars under this program must be taken off the road. So some cars that qualify, may actually be worth more than the redemable voucher.

I don’t qualify for cash for clunkers because my car already gets good gas mileage. But my dad swears by the car buying process here:

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