Most people that know me know how much I love to read. I think reading can change your life. Charlie “Tremendous” Jones had a great quote that I have shared on this blog before. He often said, “You are today what you will be five years from now, except for the people you meet and the books you read.” There is a direct correlation between the books you read and the success you achieve. The more you learn, the more opportunities you will have to earn.
One of the most frequent questions that I get is, “What are you reading?” I happen to love that question and really enjoy sharing those books that are impacting me. I try to keep my Shelfari website up to date and you can check it out any time. But if you want my one book to read this summer that will impact your life, I suggest you read The Go-Giver.
Lean manufacturing and the tilt to acquiring suppliers is only part of the story- We find that suppliers, large customers, competitors are ideal candidates for acquisition or divestiture. We want to talk to others who share our enthusiasm for lean manufacturing - supplying - competiting
Walter Zweifler, ASA -
Posted by: Walter Zweifler, ASA | July 06, 2009 at 08:45 AM