As an eighth-generation, family-owned potato farming company, Masser Potato Farms has become one of the most well-known potato companies in the area, packing and distributing over 70 million pounds of potatoes each year from its operations located in Sacramento, PA. Masser’s is a successful organization with rich history in serving the community and their employees – a perfect example for the next posting in my continuing series of Organizations that “Get It.”
In 1967, Sterman and Geraldine Masser purchased 100 acres from family, and in 1970, they formed Sterman Masser Inc., a firm specializing in the farming and distribution of potatoes. Masser’s continued to grow with Keith Masser, the Masser's son and current President and CEO of Sterman Masser, Inc., joining the company in 1976. In 1984, Sterman ventured into Pennsylvania's anthracite coal industry and stepped out of Sterman Masser, Inc. Keith and his wife, Helen, then took over farming and potato distribution operations on what had become a 625 acre potato farming company. Then in May 1998, Keith's son David joined as the Vice President of Sales and Marketing. By 1999, the potato farm was expanded to a total of 4000 acres between 3 states, with 1000 potato acres and 3000 cash grain acres.
Today, Masser’s is driven to provide their customers and vendors, including retail outlets and restaurants, with America’s finest potatoes at the best value. Combining years of potato farming experience and expertise with today’s newest potato farming technology, Masser’s has been able to meet the demands of modern business. All the while, they have continued to reflect on the advanced ideals, technologies, and programs that have been in place since their beginning, ultimately advancing the company and its employees.
Masser’s potatoes have even become a household name thanks to its spotlight on The Martha Stewart Show! When producers for The Martha Stewart Show needed a last-minute sampling of potatoes for their October 26, 2007 television program, Masser’s was there to save the day. Martha Stewart was so impressed by Masser’s responsiveness and with the quality of the potatoes that she thanked Masser’s on air and on her website where a Potatoes 101 article and a short video from the show was posted.
But Masser’s is not only known for its potato farming operations; they continue to be an important figure in the community, especially one with a strong history at Penn State. In 1973, Keith graduated from the College of Agricultural Sciences with a bachelor's degree in agricultural engineering, while Helen graduated from Penn State's nutrition program. Their son, David earned a bachelor's degree in agricultural systems management in 1998; daughter Julie earned hers in agricultural and biological engineering in 2001. Other Masser family members have studied in Penn State programs including industrial engineering, animal science, and poultry science. Keith is also a board member at Penn State and is proud to be able to serve his alma mater.
Some students in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences have even directly benefited from Masser’s generosity and community involvement. In the fall of 2003, a new scholarship was formed from a $60,000 gift from Sterman and Geraldine Masser and Keith Masser families, and the trust fund established by their Schuylkill County community. The Kim L. Masser Memorial Scholarship provides support to students in the agricultural and biological engineering department. It is awarded annually to qualified full-time undergraduates majoring in agricultural and biological engineering or agricultural systems management. Each student is awarded a minimum of $1,500 and also will be given an opportunity to pursue an internship or cooperative experience at Sterman Masser, Inc. Masser’s has also since added another $50,000 trustee matching scholarship called the Kim L. Masser Memorial Trustee Scholarship. The trustees match the income from Masser’s $50,000 donation to double the amount of scholarships given in Kim’s name.
Even with Masser’s tremendous success, the organization has always kept the roots of the company, its employees, and the community at the forefront of their business. Masser Potato Farms is an Organization that “Gets It.”
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