This week I had the privilege of attending and speaking at the IGAF Worldwide Marketing Conference. The conference had emphasis on Web 2.0, which is about having an interactive approach to the web (as opposed to Web 1.0 which was about a static website…an online brochure).
I had the privilege of speaking as one of the few CPA firm partners in the entire country that have a blog (who knew I was so special…I will need to share this with my wife). I was able to present with Michelle Golden, who is the founder and President of Golden Practices. Together we shared why it is important for CPA firms (and all organizations for that matter) to have an interactive approach to your web presence. People want to do business with those they like and trust and Web 2.0 can speed up this process.
The wonderful Dianna Huff of DH Communications presented on the complex subject of Search Engine Optimization. This is a topic every company should learn. How can we get our site “found” on Google?
Ardath Albee of Marketing Interactions presented on how an organization can harness the value of your website. Too many organizations put a website up and rarely update the contents or make the site personal. She had many ideas and shared from her new book on eMarketing.
We also had a chance to learn from Monte Lutz of Digital Public Affairs. He shared some very scary information about why your company needs a social media survival kit. He used the examples of United Breaks Guitars (which has been viewed on YouTube nearly 6 million times) and the US Airways plane landing on the
This was a wonderful conference full of ideas and the sharing of best practices. If you would like more information about building your web presence (or on Rainmaker Training), please contact me and I can steer you in the right direction.