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December 09, 2009


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Clyde Heintzelman


Socialism at its most basic level is what this is, when this Nation was
founded and prospered for many years on Capitalistic principles. One
and gets paid, and if one does not work, there is no pay---and no
to shelter the lazy and those who enjoy getting free handouts from their
Governments, is my belief of what needs to be reestablished in our
If the American people do not vote these guys (Obama and Biden) out of
office, along with the deficit spending Congressional delegations in
today (both Republican and Democratic), our children and grandchildren
should disown their parental heritage. We will have failed them
We are abysmal in accepting our responsibility as citizens, in not
rising up
in righteous indignation, and at the voting booth especially, for this
Socialistic redirection that the Obama administration is taking this
Country. I did not vote for his change and I do not like his change, as
Seuss would say.

We are leaving a legacy of financial peril for our children and
grandchildren, due to our societies "free lunch" mentality, with too
"citizens" who have their head in the "pig trough", slopping up the
from partisan politicians who get re-elected by bringing home the "pork"
from government programs that are perceived to be "free". Rep Murtha of
Pennsylvania is my poster child for this shoddy representation of our
National interests, and unfortunately he will most likely be re-elected
his District, who love his "spoils delivery" to his Johnstown area!!! My
fear is that all these people deriving their "free lunch" will continue
vote for more of the same, and out number the votes from those who now
and will in the future, be required to pay for this deficit carnival
are enjoying.

My belief is that a potential solution will be when China, Russia, and
India, refuse to stop buying our Government Bonds paper to fund this
U.S. deficit spending; perhaps then Congress will be brought down to
and seek to begin cutting expenditures to balance their budget. My fear
that China will use their economic power with their significant
ownership of
Government bonds to leverage their world domination at our expense, and
a shot will have been fired-we will be victimized by our own greed, and
"free lunch" societal mentality, brought on by partisan politicians who
continually get re-elected with short term "pork" delivered to their
constituents. Term limits would be ideal, but I see no near term method
national fervor taking place to make such a meaningful and desirable
change-given all the pigs we have at the Government trough, who believe
are owed something from their Governments-Federal, State and Local.

External pressure from China to stop buying our paper, unless our
rates offered to them are significantly increased, is unfortunately the
probably course of action that will effect meaningful change in the near
term-and in the medium to long term, inflation will sky rocket, on the
of our children and grandchildren due to our acceptance of Socialism by
politicians. "Awake responsible citizens, before the problem gets worse
to this creeping Socialism"!! In fact in some ways this seems to be run
Socialism and no longer creeping!

If you did not know before, you now know where I stand on all of this
rolling out of Washington (Federal) and State Governments and the
peril to the next two generations coming behind us.


Wayne Martin

I desperately need a new refrigerator and I would like the government to reimburse me for the cost of buying it, but if we are going to continue to spend our way out of the current economic crisis our tax dollars would be better spent on our deteriorating infrastructure. Our country has huge infrastructure needs that are not being met, including deficient bridges, crumbling and congested roads, crumbling and congested schools, inadequate and outdated water and wastewater treatment plants and collection systems. The construction industry has an unemployment rate of over 18 percent-nearly twice the national average. There is so much uncertainty about government spending on future construction projects that businesses will not invest in new equipment. A major investment in our infrastructure will create not just construction jobs, but manufacturing jobs in industries such as construction equipment, fabricated metals, concrete and cement, glass, rubber, plastics, steel, wood products. The jobs created by making major investments to repair and upgrade our infrastructure will create the much needed, good-paying jobs required to get this economy back on track.

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