Have concerns about how to sell your business? Not sure how to maximize the business value when you sell your company? Looking for a way to minimize your tax on a transaction? Want to put a succession plan in place? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you will want to join me for a Webinar training session with Attorney Steve Greenapple of Steiker, Fischer, Edwards & Greenapple, P.C.
Steve and his firm are one of the premier authorities on ESOP’s and during our one hour presentation we will share the many benefits. The seminar will be held on Wednesday, March 24th at 12:00 noon EST. During the webinar, Steve will share insights and he will also field questions.
To read more about ESOP’s check out this link or check out SFE&G’s website.
This webinar will be live and all participants can join in by simply dialing into the session and, if they desire, to follow along online. If you are interested, please contact me for more details.