Has your organization reduced its workforce during this recession? Have you asked more of your employees? Are your employees working harder and performing at a higher level?
A recent survey of employees finds that the average “job footprint” (what a worker is expected to do) has increased by a third since the beginning of the recession. The reward for all this extra effort is mostly frozen pay and reduced benefits.
In my many interactions with business owners, I have heard some speak of employees as being “lucky to still have a job.” While that may be true, thinking (and acting) in such a manner is very short sighted.
I recently read Deloitte’s Annual Workplace Survey and one-third of employed Americans plan to look for a new job when the economy gets better. What is interesting is that half of those planning to leave state the reason is a “loss of trust in employers.”
It is easy for management to get more from employees during a recessionary period. The employees that remain tend to be the hardest working and most talented so therefore, productivity has gone up. But at what cost?
There is a real conflict employers feel trying to preserve their businesses and to benefit all their employees, while at the same time wrestling with the fact that cutbacks impact those same employees. Likewise, a survival mentality takes over and employers focus less on people and more on whatever it takes to keep the business alive.
Because employers are uncertain of the future, they tend to not communicate as often with employees. They pullback and share less information with the workforce. This causes distrust with employees. Your employees know business is tough and they understand management needs to make difficult decisions, but that does not mean pushing them away is wise. Rather, now more than ever is the time you need to engage employees. Give them a voice in meetings and decisions. Empower them and show you value their opinion.
I am reminded of the famous quote by Publilius Syrus, "Anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.” Wise leaders know that keeping employees motivated and engaged is even more important during challenging economic times.
I would love to hear what your organization is doing to engage your workforce. What are you doing to make sure that your key performers do not leave when the first opportunity arises? Have you focused more on Intrinsic Motivation as opposed to Extrinsic?
Great post and right on point. I have seen similar stats and research. I think it was a Harvard Business Review survey that said 25% of your high-performers will be looking for jobs as the economy improves! That is your best people.
You hit on a major theme - Trust. How does a firm/company rebuild trust in this whitewater economy? I tank it is about engaging them in an understanding of where you are and where you are going? Invite them to participate in your strategic planning process - participation leads to engagement and engagementbleads to inspired people willing tongive you that extra effort, their discretionary time and attention thatbis so critical to winning in today's tipsy-turvy world.
I think it is abut re-thinking leadership and culture and all of those soft things that many have rejected for way too long. As Tom Peters has said since writing In Search of Excellence, Soft is Hard! And Hard is Soft.
How do you do this? We have been using a strategic planning process that involves all of our staff in creating and connoting their roles to the plan. We even used this with the top 100 firms atba recent AICPA Major Firms Group meeting and proved you can engage pele on a large scale and still get significant results.
I believe that the power of our teams is un.unlimited and that the best answers are inside of our teams. Our I2A| Insights to Action strategic thinking system uses effective group process and large graphic templates so you can literally see everyone's thinking, gather insights, and then mobilize consent to inspire action!
Posted by: Tom Hood | August 02, 2010 at 08:34 AM
Hi Scott!
Great article! On the subject of employee engagement and what a company is doing to keep their good people, I'd like to let you know about a software product our company is just getting ready to release. It's called TalentScan and it's a simple software program that small business can use to learn more about what motivates their employees to come to work everyday, what their ideal workplace is, their workplace behaviors and their life/work priorities. We think it's only fair that all sizes of businesses have the same access to these kinds of tools so everyone can unlock the power of their workforce. Our tools also offer Growth & Development reports for each employee, tools for the Managers to analyze the organization as whole, and much more. I think really knowing (on a behavioral science level) who works for you is a great start in being able to keep them happy and engaged at work.
Posted by: Katie Ketchum | August 02, 2010 at 02:43 PM