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March 16, 2011


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Brad A Morgan

I agree wholeheartedly. The state MUST reduce spending and more importantly - it must abide by the limits placed upon it by the Pa Constitution.The state schools have become nothing more than pigs feeding at the public trough. Their costs are totally out of control and they squander the subsidies they receive while raising tuition every year. Its time to face reality.

Brad A Morgan

The Delta Cost Project, a nonprofit organization based in Washington D.C., states that there are three major reasons college costs are going up:

"Increases in spending were driven mostly by higher administration, maintenance, and student services costs. Public universities spent almost $4,000 per student per year on administration, support, and maintenance in 2006, up more than 13 percent, in real terms over 1995. And they spent another $1,200 a year on services such as
These do not translate into a better education for the majority of students."

Jarrett Muzi

You have no idea what's going on in schools in Philadelphia. Education cuts in the city will be devastating to both the students and teachers. Less teachers, larger classroom sizes, less custodians, less administrations staff, will produce horrible results. The schools are already falling apart. But the Governor doesn't care. He doesn't have his children being taught in classrooms that are 80 degrees and with rats and mice. Don't talk about where money should go until you see first-hand what is going on.


I agree with Jarrett. Cuts should have been made elsewhere. NOT IN EDUCATION! I am a full-time student studying Secondary Education (high school teacher) and guess what? I'm maxed to the hilt already with student loans, have no where else to get the money and I'm going to be a teacher...YES, TEACHER. A teacher, most likely, in Philadelphia that makes next to nothing and the schools are falling apart, have hardly any technology and the pay is HORRIBLE! We are not only teachers but counselors, babysitters, moms (because we end up using our own salary to get supplies for the classroom that is not provided by the government AND give our own money to kids that are going unfed). And yet, cuts are being made in K-12 and in college. I can't afford a $5,000 per year tuition increase AND, I'm full-time in Summer I and Summer II and guess what? No aid has come in for my classes and I was able to scrape together enough $ for Summer I barely but don't have anything for Summer II. How am I supposed to graduate on time when this aid was promised to me at the beginning of Fall?

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