How does a CPA firm become more knowledgeable about doing business overseas? Obviously reading and studying is a good way, but nothing actually speeds up learning like doing and knowing other professionals around the world.
It is for that reason that our firm has been participating in an International Employee Exchange program with an accounting firm in Europe.
For the past six weeks we had the opportunity to host Amanda Kay, an employee from HURST, an IGAF Polaris affiliate firm located in the United Kingdom. IGAF Polaris is a leading accounting association consisting of over 380 independent accounting firms located in 89 different countries worldwide.
Two years ago our firm worked together with HURST to allow one of our accounting professionals to join the HURST team in Stockport. This spring we were excited to be able to return the favor. Our only disappointment was that at the end of the six week period, we had to say goodbye to the newest member of our team.
During the final week, Amanda was kind enough to offer a few moments of her time to sit down and chat with me for a video blog. My hope is that you will get a taste of what the process was like and see how both parties have benefitted throughout her time with us. If nothing else, I’m sure you will enjoy listening to her neat accent!
Feel free to contact me to further discuss this exciting opportunity or to learn more about the program and Amanda’s stay.