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« Talent is Overrated | Main | The Exuberant Accountant Blog is Moving to M&A News »

August 30, 2011


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Congratulations on your new opportunity Scott. You are an inspiration to many.


Congrats, Scott. Sounds like a great new chapter for you.

Barry Davus

Thanks for your insights, Scott. I was hoping to share more reading with you, will have to do it via LinkedIn, I suppose.

His blessings continue on you and yours (as I know they will).

By the way, I LOVE Martin's rolls. As a runner, I LIVE for carbs!

Tim Finnerty

Best of Luck to you Scott! You will excel for sure - I have no doubt - You will always be the Exuberant Accountant!

Roger Garber

Scott, great job in the past and may God grant you continued wisdom and grace in your future endeavors. Signed one of your 2 friends....

Joan H. Eyre


I was at M&A early in your career. It did not surprise me that you made partner. Good luck at your new job.


Mark A Mateya, Esq.

We'll miss you, Scott. God bless you in your next adventure. We'll miss your passion...I mean, who knew an accountant could be "exuberant?" God speed, Scott.

Risa Guber

Congratulations and best wishes on your new role. Thank you for the early morning "insights" - you really were a pioneer. We will miss the Exuberant Accountant.

Meenu Khanna

Scott, Thank you for being the wonderful inspiration you have been through this blog. You will be missed. God bless you and your wonderful life partner! Well done, good and faithful servant!

Eric Killian

Best wishes, and what amazing potato bread! Yum... I actually mail order it to be sent here in Colorado. Although I encourage you to continue your blog. Perhaps down the road sometime.

Don Bliss

Congratulations on you new challenge. I know you will also be very, very successful in this new endeavor. My only concern, PLEASE DONT GIVE UP YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE MILITARY LIAISON COMMITTEE OF THE HARRISBURG CHAMBER. WE NEED YOU TOO.



David Black

Thanks Scott. We will miss you at McConley et al, but welcome you as part of Martin's. All the best to you in your new role. Sounds like a great opportunity. All the best.
PS - I echo Don Bliss' comments on the MLC!

Angela Tatum

Congratulations on this new opportunity, Scott! Martin's sounds like a great company and I'm sure you'll impact them in many positive ways. I will miss the blog.

Jerry Urich

Scott, congratulations and best of luck in your new position! I have really enjoyed the Exuberant Accountant and have been very grateful to have had the opportunity to get to know you and to work with you during your involvement with the Central PA Chapter of Financial Executives International. I hope we can count on your continued involvement and leadership as a future member of FEI!

Thanks and best wishes for the future!

Jerry Urich

Brenda Richter, CPA

Best wishes to you & all the best for your new endevours. I will sincerely miss reading your thoughts, and sharing them with my students.


Scott - wishing you the best on your next step in your journey. Hopefully we will still see you around Messiah College during board meetings.

Rosemarie Malpass

Scott, Wishing you the very best on your journey toward the betterment of all. I truly appreciate all your help and support for so many years.

You are the Best! Enjoy the trip!


Arnold Tilden

Scott- Good luck with your new position! Hope you find time to continue reading and writing on important business matters. Arnie


Congratulations Scott. Your final blog post is a great reflection of you and M & A and what class acts you are. Good luck with Martin's. Should be an interesting next chapter.

John Jeffrey

Congratulations Scott! Thank you so much for the great advice you gave me recently regarding the marketing initiatives I am working on. You spent time talking to me even though you were on vacation. You truly are one of those rare people who gives and gives and expects nothing in return. I know you will excel in this new position and take Martin's to an even higher level. I will miss your posts so much. Good luck!

Accountant Sutherland

congrats on the promotion Scott! Big work ahead of you so good luck!!!

Accountant from Welshpool

congrats on your new job Scott. Good luck!

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