Last week the House passed the Financial Reform Bill and the Senate is expected to take a vote later this month. There is much confusion about this bill and disbelief that it will do as Nancy Pelosi promised last week when she said, "No longer again will recklessness on Wall Street cause joblessness on Main Street. No longer will the risky behavior of the few threaten the financial stability of our families, our businesses and our economy as a whole." While I am not an expert on this subject (but who really is?), I will try to share a few highlights and low points.
First the Good. While this bill will certainly not do all that Pelosi promises, it has placed much needed light on some very secretive and risky activities that large financial institutions were doing (commonly referred to as the “shadow banking system”). Few people understand derivatives, credit default swaps, collateralized debt obligations… but many more are asking questions about what impact they have. This is good.
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